Julian and Jeremy, two brothers known as the "Lewis Twins", prefer to spend their time on drugs and joyriding. When their father, Fatty Lewis, breaks his leg working for local bigwig Bryn Cartwright, they show up demanding compensation. Underestimating the vicious humour of the twins Bryn brusquely refuses to pay for the un-insured Fatty and unleashes a ferocious feud. = =还是猜火车好得多$Ambition is "fucking" critical...$第一次看威尔士口音的无字幕电影,感谢某人的细心解答~$you fuckin' wanker, fuckin' prick````$当地方言骂人大全,斯旺西彪悍逗逼的犯罪黄毒搞笑片。演过猜火车的导演在其后一年拍出,主演之一竟然是海盗电台里的骚DJ加文(瑞斯·伊凡斯)英超角旗是方的还是三角那个梗是真假?感谢留学过那里的门框字幕,威尔士国庆节(圣大卫日)在小萍XP看。